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Pigeon FAQs
The following are some common pigeon questions that our customers ask us:
How do I prevent pigeons from nesting under the eaves of my house where one roof overhangs another?
Pigeons are very persistant birds and the only guaranteed way to exclude them from an area of your roof is with the use of firmly attached bird wire, bird coil, porcupine wire, netting and screening. Conact Us to schedule an appointment to find out how best to solve your pigeon problem.
Do plastic owls and other scare tactics deter pigeons?
No. Plastic owls, snakes, bird silhouttes and other items intended to scare pigeons away may work intially but once pigeons realize the deterring object does not move, they resume normal activity.
Where do pigeons live?
The common feral pigeon is a non-migratory bird that lives in one location all of its life and nests in sheltered areas like roof-tops, eaves, under air conditioning units and on structures with over-hanging roof lines. Unfortunately without proper control methods, once they decide to infest your home, they are probably there for life.
What do pigeons eat?
Pigeons will eat anything they can find but common things like berry trees or bushes, dog or cat food left out and even grass seed can attract them. Around commercial properties its usually trash left in open dumpsters or unsealed garbage bags that attract pigeons.

Do pigeons carry diseases?
Yes. Often referred to as the “flying rat”, pigeons carry over 60 different bacterial diseases, viruses and funguses transmittable to humans and pets. Bird nests and materials can also host parasites, like the common bird mite. Some of the diseases most commonly spread by pigeons include Salmonella, Meningitis, West Nile Virus, Ecoli, Avian Flu (H5N1), and Histoplasmosis.
Why are pigeons roosting on my house?
In the urban environment, your home, provides ideal accommodations for pigeons, mainly because of a plentiful food supply, made to order shelter and harborage, and a lack of natural enemies. Due to these ideal conditions, this species of pests can grow at alarming rates and cause incredible amounts of property damage and health hazards.
Are pigeon droppings toxic?
Yes. Pigeon droppings carry over 60 different diseases that can be very harmful to humans and pets. These diseases can be easily spread through either breathing microscopic spores or through direct contact. Consequently, the appropriate bio-hazard safety equipment is highly recommended if cleaning up any kind of pigeon droppings.

Morphology and Lifestyle
- Length: 27 centimeters on average
- Weight: 370 grams on average
- Calls: Coos, moans and grunts
- Lifespan: 3 – 4 years
Did You Know?
- Pigeon fact: Droppings cause vegetation to decay, leading to order problems.
- Pigeon fact: Pigeons are not migratory.
- Pigeon fact: One pigeon can deposit over 11 kilograms pounds of droppings per year.
- Pigeon fact: Pigeon nests can cause fires on electrical signs.
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Do It Yourself Dangers
For those who may be tempted to take on the task of removing animals and animal proofing themselves, it is important to remember that it can be a dangerous undertaking. Falling off ladders and roofs while attempting to remove animals or seal entry points can result in serious bodily harm. In some cases, even aggressive animals can pose a danger to those trying to remove them. It is best to leave these tasks to experienced professionals who have the knowledge and equipment to safely and effectively handle wildlife removal and animal proofing. Attempting to do it yourself can put you at risk of injury and potentially even more damage to your home.